TERMS AND CONDITIONS Please read these Terms and Conditions (“T&C’s”)  before using the Website. By accessing or signing up to our website and/or services you have read understood and hereby agree to be bound by these T&Cs and Privacy Policy (which is hereby incorporated by reference herein). If you do not agree to be bound by these T&Cs and Privacy Policy you must not access or use our Website and/or services. You should review the Privacy Policy and T&Cs periodically for any modifications or changes.
1.1. This document is an electronic record in terms of the Information Technology Act, 2000 (“IT Act”) and rules made thereunder, as applicable, and the amended provisions pertaining to electronic records in various statutes, as amended from time to time. This document is generated by a computer system and does not require any physical signatures.
1.2. For the purpose of these T&Cs wherever the context so requires,  “You”, “Your”“Yours” or “Customer” shall mean any natural or legal person who has agreed to become a user of the Platform  (as defined below) by accessing or using the Platform. If You are using the Services  (as defined below) or the Platform on behalf of a company, organization, government, or other legal entity, You represent and warrant that You are authorized to do so.
1.3. Unless the context otherwise requires, “Nek”“We”, “us”“our” or “Company” shall mean  “Nek”, which is owned and operated by Jar Gold Retail Private Limited, a company incorporated under the laws of India and its registered office at No. 752, 18th main, 6th block, 5th cross Koramangala Bangalore - 560095, or any of its licensees, whether now or in the future.
1.4. The Company operates a platform for selling jewelry  ( “Platform Services”). The customer  ( “Customers”) can browse and purchase jewelry on the Platform. The Customers can redeem their savings from the Jar App. Nek also offers the autopay feature on the Platform that simplifies savings by automating daily/monthly/periodic contributions via unified payment interface  ( “UPI”) and payment modes also.
1.5. Use of the Platform and the Services provided are subject to the rules and regulations, policies, notices, terms, and conditions set forth or mentioned on the  https://shopnek.com/   (“Website”) and the mobile application available on the Play Store - Jar i.e. (“App”)   is collectively hereinafter referred to as the  ( “Platform”).
1.6. As a User, the T&C shall be effective and binding upon your ‘acceptance’. ‘Acceptance’ shall mean Your affirmative action on entering information as requested on the sign-up page or simply by accessing or visiting the Platform. If You do not agree or are not willing to be bound by the T&Cs and our Policies  (published on the website), please do not enter information as requested on the sign-up page and click the “Accept” button, or do not seek to obtain access to, view, visit, download or otherwise use the Platform (or any of its components/constituents) or any information or Services.
1.7. By impliedly or expressly accepting these T&Cs, You also accept and agree to be bound by applicable policies of the Company including the Privacy Policy and Shipping Policy as published on the Platform (“Policies”) communicated to the Users by publication on the Platform. Nek and Customer shall collectively be referred to as , “Parties” and individually as “Party”.
2.1. Whenever used in these T&Cs with initial letters capitalized, the following terms will have the following specified meaning:
a) “Affiliate” shall mean any Person who directly or indirectly, controls, is controlled by, or is under the common control of the Company. The term “Control” is used in the sense of the possession by a person or a group of persons acting in concert, directly or indirectly, of the right to direct or cause the direction of the management and policies of another Person, whether through the board of directors or ownership of voting rights by such other Person, by the Articles of Association, contract or otherwise. A Person or a group of persons acting in concert shall be deemed to be in control of a body corporate if such Person or group of Persons is in a position to appoint or appoints the majority of the directors of such body corporate.
b) “Authority” shall mean any union, national, state, local, or other governmental, statutory, administrative, judicial, regulatory, or self-regulating authority, agency, or instrumentality having jurisdiction over the relevant matter.
c) “Grievance Redressal Officer” means the grievance redressal officer appointed by the Company in accordance with applicable law, from time to time.
d) “Information” means and shall include any confidential and/or personally identifiable information or other information provided to the Company or other Users of the Platform or at the time of registration with the Platform, or through any email/messaging feature and shall include without limitation Your name, sex, age, email address, mailing address, phone number (if provided) or such other personal information.
e) “Internal Service Provider” shall mean logistics or any back end service providers of the Platform appointed by the Company that will provide various services that the Company may require in order to run operations of the Platform, for example, to facilitate or outsource one or more aspects of the business, product and service operations provided on the Platform, including search technology, manufacturing, shipping, payments, affiliate and rewards programs, maintenance services, database management, etc.
f) “Law” shall mean any statute, law, regulation, ordinance, rule, judgment, notification, rule of common law, order, decree, bye-law, approval, statutory directive, guideline, requirement or other governmental restriction, or any decision of, or determination, interpretation or policy, having the force of law, by or of any court of law or any governmental authority including any entity exercising executive, legislative, regulatory or administrative functions having jurisdiction over the matter in question, in effect at the relevant time, in any applicable jurisdiction.
g) “Losses” shall include, without limitation, losses, liabilities, actions, suits, claims, proceedings, costs, damages, penalties, judgments, amounts paid in settlement, expenses, etc. including reasonable attorneys’ fees and including any interest thereon.
h) “Pay Facility” means the automated electronic payment or collection and remittance facility provided by the Company to the Customers to facilitate payments on the Platform directly through banks or financial institution infrastructure or indirectly through payment gateway facility providers or through any such facility authorized by the Reserve Bank of India to provide enabling support facility for collection and remittance of payment.
i) “Person” shall mean and include any individual, legal entity, company, body corporate, partnership firm, association, Hindu undivided family, trust, society, limited liability partnership, or proprietorship, whether incorporated or not.
j) “Services” shall mean the services rendered by the Platform as may be specifically notified by Nek on the Platform or by other means of communication from time to time, in accordance with the applicable law.
k) “User(s)” shall mean a user of the Platform.
3.1. We are either the owner of intellectual property rights or have the non-exclusive, worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, sub-licensable (through multiple tiers) right to exercise the intellectual property, in the Platform, and in the material published on it including but not limited to the user interface, layout format, ideas, design, structure, expression, and any content thereof.
3.2. You recognize that the Company is the registered owner of the word mark ‘Nek’ and the logo .including but not limited to its variants (“IPR”) and You shall not directly or indirectly, challenge or assist another in challenging the validity of, or Company’s or its Affiliates proprietary rights in, the licensed marks or any registrations thereof, or file any applications for the registration of the licensed marks or any names or logos derived from or confusingly similar to the licensed marks, any variation thereof, or any translation or transliteration thereof in another language, in respect of any products/services and in any territory throughout the world. If You become aware or acquire knowledge of any infringement of IPR, You shall report the same at  support@shopnek.com  with all relevant information.
3.3. We respect the intellectual property rights of others. If you notice any act of infringement on the Platform, you are requested to send us a written notice/intimation at  support@shopnek.com  which must include the following information:
3.4. You may print off one copy and may download extracts of any page(s) from the Platform for Your personal reference and You may draw the attention of others within Your organization to material available on the Platform.
(i) clear identification of such copyrighted work that you claim has been infringed;
(ii) location of the material on the Platform, including but not limited to the link of the infringing material;
(iii) the proof that the alleged copyrighted work is owned by you; and
(iv) contact information.
3.5. You must not modify the paper or digital copies of any materials You have printed off or downloaded in any way, and You must not use any illustrations, photographs, video or audio sequences, or any graphics separately from any accompanying text.
3.6. You must not use any part of the materials on the Platform for commercial purposes without obtaining a license to do so from us or our licensors.
3.7. If You print off, copy or download any part of the Platform in breach of these T&Cs, Your right to use the Platform will cease immediately and You must, return or destroy any copies of the materials You have made.
3.8. You may download information presented on the Platform at Your sole risk, and without any express or implied warranty from us in relation to such information, provided that:
(i) such information is used solely for personal purposes and not for any commercial purposes whatsoever;
(ii) no alterations or modifications of any kind are made to such information;
(iii) no further statements and warranties shall be made with regard to such information or documents containing such information for or on our behalf;
(iv) no statements and/or notifications indicating our ownership of and other legal rights and interests in relation to such information shall be removed, in part or in full;
(v) such information is not reproduced, republished, transmitted, displayed, posted or distributed in any form or by any means; and
(vi) any unauthorized use of the information will be in violation of the applicable Law including intellectual property rights.
4.1. The Platform may be under constant upgrades, and some functions and features may not be fully operational.
4.2. Due to the vagaries that can occur in the electronic distribution of information and due to the limitations inherent in providing information obtained from multiple sources, there may be delays, omissions, or inaccuracies in the content provided on the platform or delay or errors in functionality of the Platform. As a result, we do not represent that the information posted is correct in every case.
4.3. We expressly disclaim all liabilities that may arise as a consequence of any unauthorized use of credit/ debit cards on the Platform.
4.4. Nek disclaims all liability that may arise due to any violation of any applicable Laws including the Law applicable to products and services offered by any third party.
4.5. While the materials provided on the Platform were prepared to provide accurate information regarding the subject discussed, the information contained in these materials is being made available with the understanding that we make no guarantees, representations, or warranties whatsoever, whether expressed or implied, with respect to professional qualifications, expertise, quality of work or other information herein. In no event shall we be liable to You or any third party for any decision made, or action taken in reliance on such information.
4.6. You agree that use of the Platform is entirely at your own risk. The information provided hereunder is provided “as is”, without any warranties of any kind. We and/or our employees make no warranty or representation, express or implied, regarding the timeliness, content, sequence, accuracy, fitness for a particular purpose, security, freedom from viruses, effectiveness, or completeness of any information or data furnished hereunder or that the information or data provided hereunder may be relied upon. Multiple responses may usually be made available from different sources and it is left to the judgment of Users based on their specific circumstances to use, adapt, modify or alter suggestions or use them in conjunction with any other sources they may have, thereby absolving us as well as our consultants, business associates, Affiliates, business partners and employees from any kind of professional liability.
4.7. You agree that use of the Platform is entirely at your own risk. The information provided hereunder is provided “as is”, without any warranties of any kind. We and/or our employees make no warranty or representation, express or implied, regarding the timeliness, content, sequence, accuracy, fitness for a particular purpose, security, freedom from viruses, effectiveness, or completeness of any information or data furnished hereunder or that the information or data provided hereunder may be relied upon. Multiple responses may usually be made available from different sources and it is left to the judgment of Users based on their specific circumstances to use, adapt, modify or alter suggestions or use them in conjunction with any other sources they may have, thereby absolving us as well as our consultants, business associates, Affiliates, business partners and employees from any kind of professional liability.
4.8. In no event will we be liable for any damages (including, without limitation, direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or exemplary damages, damages arising from personal injury/wrongful death, and damages resulting from lost profits, lost data or business interruption), resulting from any services provided by any third party accessed through the platform, whether based on warranty, contract, tort, or any other legal theory and whether or not we are advised of the possibility of such damages.
4.9. We reserve the right to do any of the following, at any time, without notice: (a) to modify, suspend or terminate operation of or access to the Platform, or any portion of the Platform, for any reason whatsoever; (b) to modify or change the Platform, or any portion of the Platform, and any applicable policies or terms; or (c) to interrupt the operation of the Platform, or any portion of the Platform, as necessary to perform routine or non- routine maintenance, error correction, or other changes.
4.10. Nek assumes no liability or responsibility for any (i) unauthorized access to or use of our secure servers and/or any and all personal information and/or financial information stored therein, (ii) any interruption or cessation of transmission to or from our Platform, (iii) any bugs, viruses, trojan horses and/or the like which may be transmitted to or through our Platform by any third party, or (iv) any loss or damage to content or data (whether stored through the site and/or service or otherwise), or (v) any errors or omissions in any content or for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of the use of any content posted, emailed, transmitted or otherwise made available via the Platform. Nek does not warrant, endorse, guarantee or assume responsibility for any product, service or opportunity offered by a third party through the Platform.
4.11. For as long as Nek continues to offer the Platform, Nek shall provide and seek to update, improve and expand the Platform. As a result, we allow you to access the Platform as it may exist and be available on any given day and we have no other obligations, except as expressly stated in these T&Cs.
5.1. The User must possess the legal authority to enter into an agreement so as to become a User and use the services of Nek. In order to use the Platform, You need to be 18 (eighteen) years of age or older. The Platform may only be used or accessed by such persons who can enter into and perform legally binding contracts under Indian Contract Act, 1872.
5.2. The Company shall not be liable in case of any false information is provided by the User including the User’s age and the User and/or his natural or appointed guardian alone shall be liable for the consequences as per the applicable Law of the country to which the User belongs.
5.3. The Company disclaims all liability arising out of such unauthorized use of the Platform and any third-party liability arising out of Your use of the Platform if You are a minor.
5.4. Before using the Platform, procuring the services of Nek, the Users shall compulsorily read and understand these T&Cs, and shall be deemed to have accepted these T&Cs as a binding document that governs User’s dealings and transactions with Nek. If the User does not agree with any part of these T&Cs, then the User must not avail Nek’s services.
5.5. All rights and liabilities of the User and Nek with respect to any services or product facilitated by Nek shall be restricted to the scope of these T&Cs.
6.1. You agree to provide true, accurate, up-to-date, and complete information while signing up on the Platform or for any other purpose when prompted or requested to do so on the Platform.
6.2. Certain information You provide on the Platform in Your profile may reveal, or allow others to identify different aspects and more generally about You. You are expressly and voluntarily accepting the terms of the T&Cs and supplying all such information by You on the Platform, including all information deemed “personal” or “sensitive” by applicable Laws, is entirely voluntary on Your part.
6.3. For the use of our Services, You may be required to use certain devices, software, and third-party applications including but not limited to WhatsApp, and data connections, which we otherwise do not supply. For as long as You use our Services, You consent to downloading and installing updates to our Services, including automatically, downloading and installing such updates, and shall be bound by the terms & conditions of the respective third-party application/s.
6.4. You are responsible for all carrier data plans and other fees and taxes associated with Your use of our Services.
6.5. The Company shall not be responsible in any manner whatsoever for the authenticity of the personal information or sensitive personal data or information supplied by the User to the Company or to any other person acting on behalf of the Company.
6.6. You are prohibited from misrepresenting Your identity and agree not to represent Yourself as another User or login/register using the identity of any other person. You are responsible to maintain and promptly update the information provided while signing up or verifying or for any other purpose on the Platform to ensure that the information provided by You is true, accurate, current, complete, and not misleading at all times.
6.7. If You provide any information that is untrue, inaccurate, misleading, not current or incomplete or the Company has reasonable grounds to believe that such information is untrue, inaccurate, misleading, not current or incomplete, or not in accordance with the T&Cs, the Company reserves the right to indefinitely block Your use or access to the Platform in any manner whatsoever. Should any other User or Person act upon such untrue, inaccurate, not current, or incomplete information provided or verified by You, the Company, and its Personnel shall not be liable for any damages, losses, direct, indirect, immediate or remote, interests or claims resulting from such information to You or to any third party. You hereby agree and undertake to indemnify and to hold harmless the Company, and its personnel in accordance with the Indemnity clause contained in these T&Cs.
6.8. DND communication: You will be required to provide a valid phone number at the time of using the service through the platform. By registering the phone number with us, You give consent to be contacted by us via phone call.
7.1. You agree to keep Yourself updated with all data, information, and communication pertaining to You made available on the Platform by the Company. You further agree that Your use of the Platform or provision of any data or information including any correspondence (by email or otherwise) to or by the Company is through electronic records and You consent to receive communication from the Company via electronic documents including emails and/or SMS, voice call etc. which will be deemed adequate for service of notice/ electronic record. The User hereby unconditionally consents that such communications via SMS, voice call, email or any other mode by Nek are:
(i) upon the request and authorization of the User;
(ii) ‘transactional’ and not an ‘unsolicited commercial communication’ in compliance of the local laws, and
(iii) in compliance with the relevant guidelines framed by the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) or such other relevant authority in the relevant jurisdiction.
7.2. The User will indemnify against all types of losses and damages incurred by Nek due to any action taken by the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) or such other relevant authority in the relevant jurisdiction, access providers or any other local authority due to any erroneous complaint raised by the User on Nek with respect to the communications mentioned above or due to a wrong number or email id being provided by the User for any reason whatsoever.
7.3. The User also understands that they will always have an option of withdrawing the consent as set out above. The User will have an unconditional right to opt out of receiving messages and email including but not limited to communications that are of marketing in nature by simply writing to Nek on  support@shopnek.com  or by amending the notification settings in User’s account profile settings.
7.4. We may need to provide You with certain communications/notifications via voice calls and/or text messages and/or WhatsApp, such as service announcements, promotional schemes and administrative messages. These communications are considered part of the Services and Your Account, and You may not be able to opt-out from receiving them. If You added Your phone number to Your account and You later change or deactivate that phone number, You must update Your account information to help prevent us from communicating with anyone who acquires Your old number.
8.1. All commercial/contractual terms being offered by us and agreed by You with respect to products and services being offered by us. The commercial/contractual terms include without limitation price, applicable taxes, shipping costs, payment terms, date, period, and mode of delivery, warranties related to products and services, and after-sales services related to products and services.
8.2. The Customer agrees and acknowledges that on the Platform all Product(s) are offered only at the sole discretion of Company a restricted time and only for the available supply/till stock lasts. Prices on the Platform are subjected to change without any prior notice, as the prices are calculated using current prices of precious metals and gems.
8.3. Nek also reserves the right to put a limit on the number of items purchased or orders placed through the Platform. In addition, Nek also reserves the right to put a monetary limit/value cap in terms of Indian Rupees up to which only the Customer may place order(s) on the Platform. Additionally, the Company also reserves the right to put a condition that each order placed by the Customer on this Platform must be above a certain minimum monetary value in terms of Indian Rupees.
8.4. The Company neither makes any representation or warranty as to specifics (such as quality, value, sale ability, etc.) of the products or services proposed to be sold or offered to be sold or purchased on the Platform nor does implicitly or explicitly support or endorse the sale or purchase of any products or services on the Platform.
8.5. In relation to the products being sold, for raising any consumer complaint in relation to the products or any other grievances, You may visit the ‘Contact Us’ section of our website where the contact details of our grievance redressal officer are published for raising any grievances.
9.1. You may not use the Platform or any content on the Platform for any purpose that is unlawful or prohibited by the T&Cs, or to solicit the performance of any illegal activity or other activity that infringes the rights of the Company and/or others.
9.2. You shall at all times ensure full compliance with the applicable provisions, as amended from time to time, of (a) the Information Technology Act, 2000 and the rules thereunder; (b) all applicable Laws; and (c) international laws, foreign exchange laws, statutes, ordinances and regulations (including, but not limited to sales tax/VAT, income tax, general sales tax, central excise, custom duty, local levies) regarding Your use of our service and Your listing, purchase, solicitation of offers to purchase, and sale of products or services.
9.3. You confirm that You shall not transfer Your account and shall not assign any rights and obligations under the T&Cs to any third party without the specific prior written permission of the Company.
10.1. The Website is meant to be used by bonafide User(s) for lawful use.
10.2. User shall not distribute exchange, modify, sell or transmit anything from the Website, including but not limited to any text, images, audio and video, for any business, commercial or public purpose.
10.3. The T&Cs grants a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable right to use this Website as expressly permitted in these T&Cs. The User agrees not to interrupt or attempt to interrupt the operation of the Website in any manner whatsoever.
10.4. Nek reserves the right to periodically make improvements or changes to its Website at any time without any prior notice to the User. User(s) are requested to report any content on the Website, which is deemed to be unlawful, objectionable, libelous, defamatory, obscene, harassing, invasive to privacy, abusive, fraudulent, against any religious beliefs, spam, or is violative of any applicable law to India. On receiving such report, Nek reserves the right to investigate and/or take such action as the Company may deem appropriate.
11.1. User understands that any information that is provided to this Website may be read or intercepted by others due to any breach of security at the User’s end.
11.2. Nek adopts the best industry standard to secure the information as provided by the User. However, Nek cannot guarantee that there will never be any security breach of its systems which may have an impact on User’s information too.
11.3. The data of the User as available with Nek may be shared with concerned law enforcement agencies for any lawful or investigation purpose without the consent of the User.
12.1. We use third party service providers or payment gateway(s) for processing the payments made in relation to the purchase of products offered to Customers.
12.2. The Pay Facility may support payments through credit/debit cards from the banks that are available while selecting the Pay Facility as the payment method or by cash. The Pay Facility may support payments through UPI and mobile wallet payment options. However, payment mechanisms may be added or removed or suspended through any one or more banks directly or through any payment gateway facilitators and such change shall come into effect upon the same being published on such third-party service provider’s website.
12.3. The Pay Facility shall be made available to the Customers to make payment easier. In case wrong bank account details are used by the Customer, the Company shall not be responsible for loss of money, if any. In case of there being any technical failure, at the time of transaction and there is a problem in making payment, You could contact us at  support@shopnek.com , however, the Company shall not be liable for transaction failure or payment issues. You assume sole responsibility for all risks associated with transfer of money or payments, whether or not such transfer or payments are done through the use of a third-party payment gateway. All disputes regarding delayed payments or failed payments must be resolved by You, and the third-party payment gateway directly.
12.4. You acknowledge and agree that You shall not use the details of credit card/debit card/net-banking or any other payment instrument which is not lawfully owned by You.
12.5. Compliance with Laws: Customer shall comply with all the applicable Laws (including without limitation Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 and the rules made and notifications issued thereunder and the Exchange Control Manual as may be issued by Reserve Bank of India from time to time, Customs Act, Information and Technology Act, 2000 as amended by the Information Technology (Amendment) Act 2008, Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002 and the rules made there under, Foreign Contribution Regulation Act, 1976 and the rules made there under, Income Tax Act, 1961 and the rules made there under, Export Import Policy of government of India) applicable to them respectively for using the payment facility.
13.1. In no event shall the Company or its personnel or its suppliers, service providers and internal service providers be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential or exemplary damages, including but not limited to, damages for loss of profits, goodwill, use, data or other intangible Losses arising (in any manner whatsoever) out of or in connection with the Platform, the Pay Facility, services provided by internal service providers on behalf of the Platform or the Company or any other services.
14.1. The Customer hereby assumes the sole risk of making use of or relying on the information, materials and services relating to the products available on the Platform. The Company makes no representations about the suitability, completeness, timeliness, reliability, legality in Customer’s jurisdiction, or accuracy of the information, materials and services relating to the products described or contained in the Platform for any purpose.
14.2. All products described or contained in the Platform are offered “as is” without warranty of any kind whatsoever, including aside from the implied warranties and conditions of merchantability or fitness for a specific purpose, workmanlike effort and non-infringement.
15.1. You shall indemnify and hold harmless the Company and the Company’s parent, subsidiaries, its personnel, affiliates, internal service providers and their respective officers, shareholders, directors, agents, and employees, from and against any and all Losses, liabilities, actions, suits, claims, proceedings, costs, damages, judgments, amounts paid in settlement and expenses (including without limitation attorneys’ fees and disbursements), made by any third party or penalty imposed due to or arising out of Your breach of the T&Cs or resulting from untrue, inaccurate, misleading not current or incomplete information provided or verified by You.
16.1. By using the Platform and/or by providing Your Information, You consent to the collection and use of such Information disclosed by You on the Platform and on the Pay Facility (if applicable), by the Company. The personal information / data including but not limited to the information provided by You to the Platform /Pay Facility (if applicable) during the course of You being a registered User shall be retained in accordance with the Privacy Policy published on the Platform from time to time which is incorporated herein by reference and applicable Laws including but not limited to Information Technology Act, 2000 and rules there under. If You do not agree to Your information being transferred or used in this way, please do not use the Platform. Please read our Privacy Policy carefully which is available on our Platform.
17.1. The Company reserves the right to modify the Platform and/or alter these T&Cs and/or Policies at any time and retains the right to deny access at any time including the termination of membership and deletion of the account, to anyone who the Company believes has violated the provisions of the T&Cs.
17.2. You are advised that any amendment to the T&Cs incorporated herein by reference will only be notified on the Platform on publicly accessible links and You agree by accessing, browsing or using the Platform that such publication shall immediately constitute sufficient notice for all purposes against You. The revised version/ terms shall be effective from the time that the Company publishes the same on the Platform.
17.3. The Company shall not be liable to give any prior notice to the Users of any amendments to the T&Cs, which in the opinion of the Company, has the effect of diminishing the User’s existing rights or imposing additional obligations. You understand and hereby accept that the decision, whether any proposed amendments to the T&Cs have the effect of diminishing the User’s existing rights or imposing additional obligations on the User, shall be decided by the Company in its sole discretion.
18.1. In case of any grievance, objection or complaint on Your part with respect to the Platform, any issue pertaining to transactions, other Users or the Company, including any complaints or enquiry about suspension, termination or blocking of Your membership or right to use the Platform, You should promptly raise such grievance or complaint with the designated Grievance Officer  contact@shopnek.com  and provide the Grievance Officer with all necessary information and/or documents to enable the Company/Grievance Officer to try and resolve the issue. For each grievance lodged by a User, the Company will issue a ticket number for each complaint lodged through which such User can track the status of the complaint.
18.2. The Grievance Officer shall attempt to acknowledge your grievances/ complaints within 48 (forty-eight) hours of receiving it. The Grievance Officer may requisition such information as he may require in order to look into the grievances/ complaints for resolving the same. The Grievance Officer shall attempt to resolve the grievance/ complaint within 1 (one) month of having received it. You acknowledge that in the event you fail to provide the information sought by the Grievance Officer to look into your complaint, the Grievance Officer shall not be able to proceed with your grievance/ complaint, and as such, the grievance/ complaint may remain unresolved. By agreeing to the T&Cs herein, you hereby consent and authorize the Grievance Officer to contact you on the basis of the information provided by you, for the purposes of the grievance/ complaint.
19.1. All communications between the You and the Company and all confidential information given to or received by You from the Company, and all information concerning the business transactions of the Company with any entity or person with whom it may or may not have a confidentiality obligation with regard to the matter in question, shall be kept confidential by You (whether or not such information or data has been marked as confidential) unless specifically permitted to the contrary in writing to the Company.
19.2. This confidentiality obligation shall survive the termination of these T&Cs with and the User account of the concerned User.
20.1. The 5-day delivery option is currently only eligible for some selected SKUs.
20.2. This option is subject to change based on stock availability, location, and other unforeseen conditions.
20.3. While we strive to meet the 5-day delivery for certain items, we aim to deliver all orders within 7-10 working days.

Buy Jewelry Online in India on Nek with BIS Hallmark

Yes, people do buy jewelry online in India and it has been growing significantly after the lockdown. The online behaviour of the jewellery user segment has changed a lot after the lockdown event which helped them to overcome the concerns about authenticity and quality of the jewellery. BIS Hallmark & IGI Certification has also played a crucial role in this behaviour change and now it is safe to buy Jewellery online in India.

The Beauty of Gold Jewellery

At Nek, we believe that gold jewellery is more than just an accessory. Gold jewellery is a timeless expression of elegance and sophistication. Our gold jewellery collection features various designs, from classic gold chains to intricately crafted gold earrings and gold rings. Each piece is crafted uniquely, blending traditional craftsmanship with modern innovation to create jewellery that stands the test of time. You may be looking for a statement necklace to accentuate your look or a delicate gold bangle for everyday wear. AT Nek, we have something for every style and occasion.

Gold Earrings Design: Elevate Your Style

Nek has a gold earring collection of various designs to suit every taste. We have classic hoops and modern studs to complement your outfit. Whether you prefer simple, understated elegance or bold pieces, our collection has something for everyone. Explore our budget-friendly range of gold earrings and discover the perfect pair to elevate your style.

Gold Ring Design: Timeless Elegance

Gold rings can be symbolised as love and commitment. Our gold ring collection at Nek is designed to capture the essence of timeless elegance. From simple gold bands to exquisite designs adorned with diamonds and other gemstones, each ring is crafted uniquely and consistently. Whether celebrating a special occasion or simply treating yourself to something beautiful, our gold rings will surely make a lasting impression.

Gold Pendants

Gold pendants are more than accessories - they express personal style and sentiment. At Nek, we offer a stunning collection of gold pendants that capture the essence of elegance and individuality. From classic designs to contemporary creations, our pendants are crafted with care and precision, ensuring that each piece is as unique as the person wearing it.

Exploring Nek's Pendant Collection

Our pendant collection at Nek features diverse designs, from delicate charms to bold statement pieces. Whether you're looking for a timeless symbol of love, a meaningful religious pendant, or a stylish accessory to elevate your look, you'll find something to suit your style and personality at Nek.

Budget - Friendly Gold Pendants

Gold pendants are often chosen for their symbolic significance, representing love, faith, protection, and more. You can also wear gold pendants as accessories for your outfits. At Nek, we offer a wide range of pendant designs featuring meaningful symbols and motifs, allowing you to express yourself and connect with what matters most to you. Nek collection for budget-friendly gold pendants has something for every occasion and sentiment.

Exquisite Online Jewellery Collection

At Nek, we take pride in our skilled craftsmanship and precision, ensuring that you receive a piece of jewellery that is beautiful but also durable and long-lasting. From intricate filigree work to sparkling gemstone accents, every detail is carefully designed to increase the beauty and significance of the pendant.

Power of Divine Amulets

Divine amulets have been revered for centuries for their protective and healing properties. At Nek, we offer a selection of divine amulet pendants that draw inspiration from ancient symbols and traditions. Each divine amulet pendant is crafted with care and uniqueness to provide you with protection, guidance, and strength.

Symbolism and Significance

Our budget-friendly divine amulet pendants feature a variety of symbols and motifs, each with its unique significance and meaning. From ancient Egyptian symbols of protection to Buddhist symbols of enlightenment, each pendant is designed to resonate with your spirit and enhance your connection to the divine. Whether you're seeking spiritual guidance, emotional healing, or a reminder of your inner strength, our divine amulet pendants are here to support you on your journey.

Best Online Gold Jewellery With Quality Materials

Did you know our divine amulet pendants are crafted from high-quality materials, like our other jewellery pieces, including sterling silver, gold, and precious gemstones? Each pendant is carefully designed and crafted to ensure exceptional quality and durability so you can wear it confidently and proudly.

Silver Jewellery - Versatility and Style

925 Silver has another name. It is also known as sterling silver for its beauty, durability, and versatility. Nek offers a stunning selection of 925 silver jewellery, including pendants, earrings, rings, and bracelets. Each silver jewellery is crafted from the highest quality 925 silver, ensuring that you receive jewellery that is not only beautiful but also durable and long-lasting.

Timeless Beauty

925 silver has been adored for a long time for its timeless beauty and exceptional elegance. Its bright, white lustre makes it the perfect complement to any outfit. Whether dressing up for a special occasion or keeping it casual for everyday wear, you can go for our silver jewellery. At Nek, we offer a variety of 925 silver pendant designs, from classic to contemporary. This way, you can find the exact piece to suit your style and personality.

Quality Assurance

When you choose Nek for your 925 silver jewellery, you can rest assured that you receive the highest quality silver jewellery. Each piece is made with our standards for quality kept in mind. Every stage of the manufacturing process, from the first design concept to the last polishing, is carried out carefully so you can enjoy your 925 silver jewellery for years.

Discover the Elegance of 925 Silver

One of the most incredible benefits of 925 silver jewellery is its versatility. Whether dressing up for a night out on the town or keeping it casual for a day at the office, 925 silver jewellery adds a touch of elegance and finesse to any ensemble. Mix and match different pendant designs to create your unique look, or layer multiple pendants together for a stylish statement.

Gifting Diamond, Silver or Gold Jewellery: For Him and Her

Jewellery is considered a meaningful and timeless option for gifting for both men and women. Whether you are celebrating a special occasion or just thinking of gifting something to someone you care for, Nek offers a wide range of gifting jewellery options to suit every taste and budget.

Gifting Jewellery for Him

Consider gifting a stylish and sophisticated pendant from Nek's men's jewellery collection for the remarkable man in your life. Choose from sleek and minimalist designs in sterling silver, or opt for a more rugged look with masculine accents like leather or stainless steel. Whether he prefers classic symbols like crosses or anchors or more contemporary motifs like skulls or dragons, you'll find the perfect pendant to suit his style and personality at Nek.

Gifting Jewellery for Her

For the woman who has everything, a beautiful pendant from Nek's women's jewellery collection will surely delight. Whether she prefers timeless classics like heart pendants or modern designs featuring intricate filigree work or sparkling gemstones, Nek offers a wide range of options to suit every taste and style. At Nek, we make it truly unique and meaningful.

Embracing the Elegance of Nose Pins

Nose pins have been worn for centuries as a symbol of beauty, tradition, and cultural heritage. At Nek, we offer a stunning selection of nose pins that capture the beauty and elegance of this timeless accessory. From delicate studs to ornate hoops, our nose pins are crafted with the most outstanding care and meticulousness, ensuring that each piece is as unique and individual as the person wearing it.

Traditional and Contemporary Jewellery Designs

Our nose pin collection at Nek features an extensive collection of elegant traditional and contemporary designs, allowing you to flaunt your style and personality. Whether you prefer the classic elegance of a simple stud or the bold statement of a hoop nose ring, you'll find something to suit your taste and preferences at Nek.

Versatile and Stylish

Nose pins are a versatile accessory with many outfits and styles. Whether dressing up for a festive occasion or saving it casual for everyday wear, a nose pin adds a touch of style and sophistication to any look. Experiment with different designs to create your own unique style, or stack multiple nose pins together for a trendy and fashionable statement.

Embrace the Charm of Silver Jewellery

In addition to our exquisite gold collection, Nek also offers a stunning selection of silver jewellery. Known for its timeless beauty and versatility, silver jewellery is the perfect option for those looking to add a touch of style to their everyday look. From delicate silver necklaces to statement-making silver bracelets, our collection has something for every style and occasion.

Discover the Brilliance of Diamond Jewellery

At Nek, we understand the allure of diamonds – their unparalleled brilliance and timeless elegance. That's why we offer a wide range of diamond jewellery crafted perfectly by our skilled artisans. From dazzling diamond necklaces to elegant diamond earrings and rings, each piece is designed to capture the essence of luxury and sophistication. Whether you're celebrating a milestone or simply indulging in something special, our diamond jewellery collection has something for every occasion.

Revolutionising the Jewellery Industry with Lab Grown Diamonds

In addition to our natural diamond collection, Nek is proud to offer a range of lab-grown diamonds. Engineered to perfection in a controlled environment, lab-grown diamonds provide the same brilliance and beauty as natural diamonds but with a smaller environmental footprint. Our lab-grown diamond collection features a variety of shapes and sizes, from classic round cuts to modern princess cuts. Explore our collection of the best lab-grown diamonds and discover a more sustainable way to sparkle.

Explore Engineered Diamonds at Nek

Engineered diamonds, also known as cultured diamonds or lab-grown diamonds, are revolutionising the world of fine jewellery. These diamonds are created in controlled laboratory environments using advanced technology replicating the natural diamond-growing process. At Nek, we are proud to offer a stunning collection of engineered diamonds that combine the beauty and brilliance of natural diamonds with sustainability, ethics, and affordability.

What Makes Nek Unique?

Exceptional Customer Service

Customer satisfaction is our top priority at Nek. Our dedicated team at Nek is committed to providing you with a delightful and memorable shopping experience from start to finish. Whether you have a question about a product or need assistance with after-sales service, our knowledgeable staff is here to help you every step of the way.

Ethical and Sustainable Practices

We believe in conducting our business with integrity and transparency. That's why we source our materials ethically and adhere to strict environmental standards. From responsible sourcing of gemstones to minimising our carbon footprint, we are committed to doing our part to create a more sustainable future.

Experience the Nek Difference

At Nek, we are more than just a jewellery brand – a symbol of elegance, sophistication, and innovation. With our exquisite craftsmanship, diverse product range, and commitment to sustainability, we are revolutionising how people shop for jewellery online. Explore our gold, silver, diamond, and lab-grown diamond jewellery collections today and experience the Nek difference.

Which Gold Jewellery is Best to Buy?

Choosing the best gold jewellery depends on your preferences, budget, and intended use. Nek offers a diverse range of gold jewellery designs, whichever suits you best. This ensures there is something for every style and occasion. Whether you prefer the timeless elegance of 24k gold or the durability of 22k gold, Nek has you covered.

Is there 24-carat gold Jewellery?

Yes, 24-carat gold jewellery exists and is considered the purest form of gold jewellery available. However, pure 24k gold is very soft and malleable, making it less suitable for everyday wear. At Nek, we offer a range of gold purity levels to suit different preferences and requirements, ensuring you can find the perfect piece for your needs.

Which Gold is Best: 22k, 24k, or 916?

The best gold jewellery depends on your purity, durability, and colour preferences. 24k gold jewellery is the purest form of gold available, while 22k gold jewellery and 916 gold offer a balance between purity and durability. At Nek, we offer a wide range of gold jewellery designs in various purity levels, ensuring you can find the perfect piece for your style and budget.

Which Gold is Best: KDM or 916?

KDM and 916 gold refer to gold alloys with a purity of 91.6%. The main difference lies in the process in which it is made. KDM gold uses a soldering technique to join jewellery pieces. At Nek, we offer a diverse range of gold jewellery designs in KDM and 916 gold, ensuring you can find the perfect piece for your preferences and requirements.

How to Calculate Gold Price and Check Gold Rate Today?

Calculating the exact price of gold jewellery involves several factors. These include the weight of the gold, the purity of the said gold, and the current market price of gold. At Nek, we offer transparent pricing and provide detailed information about each piece's gold content and purity, ensuring that you can make an informed decision when purchasing gold jewellery. You can also check the cost of gold today and decide on your Gold Jewellery Purchase.